2021 - Personal Exhibition "An exploration of female bodies" supervised by Hi Hun; Collective in Indonesia, in collaboration with The BackRoom Mason.
2021 - Saint art auction in honor of the support of Bali and young art.
2021 - Art performance with dance company Platform. An exploration of female bodies as live brushes, transcending personal presence.
2021 - Art performance with the participation of talanted creators once in the middle of black lava at the foot of volcano in Indonesia. Collaboration with photographer Sergio Zani, 3D photo film company, videomaker Raenok.
2021 - Created unique series of painting "Dancers of life" dedicated to a woman of the 21st century.
2021 - Collaboration with Reservo Art Gallery Indonesia.
2020 performance "Heart of Bali" Ubud, Bali, Indonisia.
2020 - collaboration with the famoust russian singer Zivert.
2020 - Perfomance with a dancer Maria M in the artist's workshop. It showed how different types of creativity complement each other.
2020 - a series of abstract works for a Roomley hotel located in the highest tower in Moscow, collaboration with "I am Studio" brend.
2020 - performance "Freedom without frames" in the Sur space, Moscow. The performance showed how a person opens up and at some point goes beyond reason, when he is given complete freedom and the framework is erased.
2020 - Perfomance with Artist Maria Makos with the support of Belka gallery
2020 -"To the present" the personal exhibition on which Diptych's "Man and Society" was displayed in Belka gallery on Petrovka st, Moscow.
2020 - Created the brightest political performance "in the name of choice".
2020 - drew a series "On the edge of abstraction" for "Basic" creative space
2020 -Personal exhibition in "Basic" creative space
2018 - created more than 100 sketches on plein-air trips Spain-Italy
2018 - Personal exhibition in the National Park of Zalessky
2014-2019 - "Self-knowledge" series of works